Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra

Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra
Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra
Product Code: MB-PS-KOOKA
Availability: In Stock
Price: AU$59.95
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Metalbird | Plant Stakes | Kookaburra


All plants need some help to grow, but not all of them can be helped by themselves. Gardeners will often use stakes for the extra support that they provide and this is what makes quality ones so great! Stakes support young plant life providing optimal conditions in which it thrives year after year while also being durable enough to withstand any weather condition or accident you might have along your way. Transform your home or garden into a lively oasis with the help of Metalbird Plant Stakes. Available in 3 beautiful native Australian bird designs, choose between a Kookaburra, Willie Wagtail or Magpie for your plant.


Easily installed by slotting together and placing into soil

Measures 68cm high when slotted together and 6cm wide

Perfect for indoor use on houseplants or outdoor use for vege gardens or any plant that needs a bit of extra support.

The stakes provide strength and support, and they permit plants to continue pushing skyward when they'd otherwise be overcome by rain, high winds, or the weight of their fruit or flowers.


Designed in 3mm Corten® steel to form a beautiful patina of rust that changes with the seasons and just keeps looking better with age.


Made in Melbourne.